Monday, November 20, 2006

Effects Theory

The Frankfurt School
- Argued that the rise of the 'culture industry' resulted in society conforming to the standard within society.
- Under capitalism, culture is processed through the mass media as something which is bought and sold.
- The passive mass audience are manipulated by society.
- We watch Tv programmes, not because we want to but because we have been conditioned to watch them because someone has commodified it as something which is good to watch.

The hypodermic needle model
- based on the idea of mass media having the power to inject the passive audiences with ideologies.
For e.g. Triumph of the Will- Where a repressive regime controlled the media (through the likes of Goebbels) because of the belief that the strict regulation of the media will help in controlling their populations and in Hitler's case, become and stay a dictator.
- The audience accept the version of events given in the media.

Violence in the Media
- Suggests that the audience is passive again and the amount of explicitly sexual, too violent or in other ways offensive Tv ouput should be cencored as the audience may act in the same way.
- However, today's audience's are media literate and can de-code media texts without being injected in this way.

Cultivation Theory
- suggests that a repeated exposure of a single text will make the audience less sensitive- they become 'desensitised'.
- Over time, soical attitudes change a lot causing audiences to think that films created in the past do not have much of an scary etc effect as they would have had when the film was first released.

Two- step flow
- Assumes a more active audience who discuss the text with a respected person then we will be passive enough to accept their reviews of the text.

Whether i agree or disagree with the Effects Theory:
I agree with the Cultivation theory because with films which have been banned like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre being for some yearsbut when i watched a few years ago, i didn't find it that scary. Also, this is the same with adverts. Audiences used to be injected with ideologies but that doesn't happen a lot anymore. The Frankfurt School, Violence in the media and two step flow all depend on the individual and whether they are easily manipulated or are media-literate.


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