Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Media Guardian
When the truth is a stranger to fiction

American channel ABC aired a docu-drama called “the path to 9/11” recently, and is being accused of simply showing it for commercial gain.

The film faults Americans and also democrats through the Clinton Administration being pre-occupied with the Lewinsky scandal when he had a chance to have Osama Bin Laden killed. Also, at first ABC said that its docu-drama was based on the Commissions Report but they later said it was a “dramatisation not a documentary”. Critics also say the film had a political bias and the conservative screen writers used it to promote rightwing politics.

Although American conservatives like to obsess about the media's liberal leanings, ultimately the networks bend their knees to power, rests with the conservatives. Whether ABC was a willing partner in a docudrama slanted towards the government, or merely a patsy remains unclear. Now ABC is reaping the whirlwind left in the drama's wake, its reputation tarnished by accusations that it has spun the events of September 11 for commercial gain.


My Comments:
I think that even though the docu-drama points out the fact that the 9/11 terrorist attacks could have been stopped, it seems that there is too much of a bias against the American Government and it was used in favour of the conservatives. However, would they have been able to act upon the threat of a terrorist attack early enough to stop it altogether.

I think "The Path to 9/11" was showed by ABC as entertaintment rather than telling the truth but the Bush and Clinton Administrations did make mistakes which resulted in horrific consequences and could have indeed been avoided.


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